Friday, July 25, 2014


We've been packing for months it seems. Packed quite a bit before the house went on the market and then daily since we got the offer on the house. Yes we had a garage sale too.

Having a garage sale is good for the soul. We haven't ever had a major one before. The last time we got rid of stuff was when the house burned. The garage sale was way more fun. It was a purging for sure. We must have had good stuff to get rid of or great prices because most of it went! Those early birds surely do get the worms. We made enough on the yard sale to buy the Thule for our trip. 

On July 21 the moving trailer arrived. We hired ABF UPack. Special thanks to Keith the manager at the Burlington office who answered all my questions and made things happen on our schedule!

Packing the truck the next morning was completed in 3 hours. We hired O'Hartigan's Moving Services.

 My friend Logan set it all up. 3 awesome young men got busy in a hurry packing about a hundred boxes first. I bet Richard was great at puzzles as a kid. He is a master packer, no wasted space at all! Mike and NASCAR guy (sorry I forgot his name) hucked everything out from all corners of the house, attic and garage.

Almost full.

It all fit in the planned space! 

The trailer was picked up yesterday after the closing and leaves for Las Vegas today. (I wonder if we will see it on our way? I can track it's whereabouts a little.)

Next we had to pack the car. Disaster at first! But after some downsizing we made it all fit. Dan says we can't open the Thule until we get to Las Vegas! 

It is way more full than this but I forgot to take a final shot. A place for everything and everything in its place!

Did I mention we are bringing our 2 cats along! Kind of like traveling with newborns! Here is the back seat. 

Funny how it happens that we ended up with our children's cats. Ours now! Lol. This is Taigo and Sage. They were relaxing at my mom' house before we left.

So the packing is done and we are on our way. I am blogging from the passenger seat. 

Lots of cars with carriers on the road this morning.  I87 south. 

It's all about the journey. Catch you later!

Nancy and Dan


  1. Thanks for the blog--I want to follow your progress!

  2. Thanks! I love reading about your adventure!

  3. I don't know how to change my name. So I have to put up with my formal name for now.

  4. Happy Trails, to the blog and replying along with Mrs. Brown!!!
