Monday, November 17, 2014


Fall has arrived in west Las Vegas. Freeze warning last night. 34 degrees at 6 AM. (Our furnace works just fine.)
I opened the door for Taigo to go out for his morning walkabout... the body language was priceless as he got about halfway across the patio. Full body shudder combined with whipping his head back to give me a look that said, 'what the heck'!!!! Followed by a hasty return to the door. 

This is Taigo telling Sage, "no #@*! way am I going out there but knock yourself out!"

The trees change colors here. Quite pretty in our neighborhood.

My morning walk.

A week ago there was an open house at Nellis Air Force Base. Lots of planes on the ground and in the air. Nellis is about a half hour from our house. We headed out at 9. We knew we had to park at Las Vegas Motor Speedway and get bussed to Nellis. What we didn't factor in were the thousands of people who were attending as well and the fact that we all had to go through security including metal detectors. 

There was a longer line behind us at this point.

See all those people in line ... in front of us!!! There were only 6 metal detectors!
Took us almost 2 hours to get on base. I have to give security points though ... every child entering got a wristband with a parent's or guardian's phone number on it! 

We saw some awesome planes. Have you ever tried to photograph jets? "Where did who go?"

Bitcoin has a plane? Seriously! Maybe that's where the money is disappearing to or in?!

This was a F-22 Raptor. It could literally hover and turn on a dime. AMAZING. 

A swordsmanship demonstration. 

The Thunderbirds were there but we got a little panicky about all of the thousands of spectators leaving on those busses at the same time so we headed home. 

The next day we decided to head south on Route 95 to Laughlin, Nevada. We hear that is where the serious gamblers go because there are fewer distractions. It's about a two hour drive. We passed several large solar farms.

Here is where redneck Las Vegans go:

Don't forget the grill!

There are great flat open spaces on the way to Laughin.  (They kind of make me think of Lake Champlain when it is frozen over and folks gather to do what they do.) In this case they bring out their four wheelers and dirt bike and tear around in the dust all day.

On 95 there is a little town at a crossroads called Searchlight. It's an old mining town.

There is another little stopping off place as well.

Pretty much there is a casino and a bunch of mobile homes.  Nice scenery though.

We finally made it to Laughlin on the Colorado River.

Colorado River
In the next two photos we were in Arizona looking across the river. Loved the Colorado Belle, a replica of a Mississippi River boat.

I told Dan this was the casino I wanted to visit today!

We had lunch on the riverboat at the Pints Brewery and Sports Bar. Sunday afternoon: there were 3 football games and a NASCAR race on the 19 TVs we could count from our table! 

Sliders, Messy Jose, and awesome onion rings!

Just across the river is Bullhead City, Arizona where the gas was 20 cents cheaper per gallon. We paid $2.75.

A few sights on the return trip.

Not a bad spot for our friends from the north to hang out for the winter. 80 degrees.

Nice ride for the state police.
These signs were so close together I couldn't get clear pictures of them all.  A great reminder of those who have served a couple of days before Veteran's Day. The last one was dedicated to the War on Terror.

We stopped for a few minutes to visit with the Big Horned Sheep.

Future park ranger?
We have spent the past week painting the living room.  Scored nice framed artwork at the high end Good Will shop (called Deja Blue) across the street from our house.  Perfect colors.

Picked up this cute plant holder at Good Will. Looking for interesting pots now. 

Every once in a while I have to remind Dan what we are looking for, as he gets distracted! Lol. 

Nope, that one is not coming home with us, even if it if comfortable.

More painting this week. The kitchen we think.  Then more trips to Good Will to find a few things for over the cupboards.  Never know what we will find.  Heading out tonight for dinner with my sister and brother-in-law.  Then down to Ethel M Chocolate Factory in Henderson.  They have a cactus garden they decorate with lights for the holidays. Now that we are settled I will try to post a blog update every Monday.  Routine is good!

It's all about the journey.

Love ya all.  Nancy and Dan

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